Sunday, May 6, 2012

five weeks

I went in for my five week beta last Friday and according to my RE, my levels look good. So, I am scheduled for a first ultrasound this upcoming Friday at 6 weeks. It still hasn't sunk in that I am pregnant. Physically I'm not really feeling any symptoms (which at times concerns me) but I think naturally I am just somewhat guarded at this point.  I am a bit nervous already for the ultrasound. I am no where near as freaked out as I was with my last pregnancy at this point, but still a little scared. Fingers crossed for more happy news!


  1. So glad things are going well for you! Can't wait to hear how Fri goes. Praying it goes fast this week.

  2. I so hear you, sister. Best of luck at the u/s!

  3. Crossing everything for you for a wonderful u/s!
