Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9th: Baby S's birthday

My heart is a bit heavy this morning over what should have been today: my first son turning one.

I imagine a sweet and rambunctious brown-haired/brown-eyed toddler running around, but he's not here. Despite the fact that I am incredibly grateful to be carrying his younger brother, I don't think I will ever shake the feeling that I have a child who is missing from this life.

I will take a little time today to work through my sadness, and then plan to honor him in my heart with nothing but happy thoughts.

I miss you sweet boy and will love you and remember you always!


  1. Thinking of you. I completely understand that mix of emotions - happy for what you have, but sad for what you lost.

  2. Thinking of you and Baby S today. It must be bitter-sweet as you carry his little brother through these last few months of your pregnancy. xo
