Thursday, March 4, 2010

A new day and a baby pic :)

I've been so busy at work and outside of work that I haven't had the chance to blog. Staying busy and somewhat distracted has been good for me though. And I'm still keeping up with you all on my blog reading!

So I breathed my way through those couple of days where I had been feeling anxious which I talked about in my last post. More than anything, I was just really missing Baby S. I am back to feeling good. Although I am enjoying pregnancy as much as possible, I suppose the occasional bad day(s) are inevitable. I very much appreciate the kind comments from the last post!

I suspect it won't be the last time anxiety sneaks up on me. When it does, I will try my best to observe the feeling without judgment and let it go as soon as possible. For the several few weeks I've been going to a prenatal yoga class once per week. It's actually a regular beginner's yoga class that is prenatal-friendly... there are one or two other pregnant ladies out of about 15-20 people. It's been great physically, for the stretching and strengthening, as well as for clearing the mind and creating a sense of balance.

We'll see if my anxiety gets tested in the next few weeks. So far I've seen my OB every two weeks for an ultrasound, and saw the RE every week for the first 3 months. My next appointment will be one whole month from my last one a week ago. At my next appointment I will be 28 weeks and will do the glucose test. At that point forward I will probably start kick charting. In the meantime, I've got my handy dandy doppler and have been feeling lots of movement.

In the meantime, I've been getting HUGE. By 5 1/2 months I had put on twice as much weight as I did with Baby S. At this point I'm already up 20 lbs (5 lbs are from the IVF meds). My appetite is non-stop. I don't eat a lot of food at once, but must snack as least every couple of hours. And suddenly I have a sweet tooth. Chocolate...yum.

Here's something that makes me smile, the baby boy in my belly :) (pic from a few weeks ago):

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that everything is going well. Baby boy looks great! The kicks are what keep me sane between appointments. :) (Oh, and the doppler if there aren't enough kicks!) I'm struggling a little with weight gain too, in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully we can both keep it relatively under control in the next few weeks!
