Monday, May 6, 2013

33 weeks

Just 6 weeks to go until our baby's due date. I can't believe it! I have opted for a repeat c-section, a decision that I made early on. For me it's the right choice, vs. going for a vbac. I had a long, dramatic labor with baby C that resulted in an uplanned/somewhat of an emergency c-section- and all that matters to me is getting this baby out full-term as quickly and safely as possible.

Only in the past few weeks have I really started to think about the reality of bringing this baby home. I thought that once I hit the viability milestone that I would start to feel less guarded.. But then a good friend of mine's baby was born at 27 weeks and so far there have been a lot of major medical issues. The baby and family are in my thoughts everyday and I just pray that she pulls through and is ok. The baby's actual due date is supposed to be right around the same as mine is- and it just such a reminder of how fragile their lives are.

On a more upbeat note, physically I have been feeling really pretty good lately. This pregnancy has been a lot different... I have gained considerably less weight, the baby measures in the normal range but smaller than my son C, totally different cravings, and different symptoms. This go around I haven't had the hip pain like I did with C, but a new symptom for me is the heartburn (ugh).  All of this and the vibes I've been getting lately are making me think this baby is a girl. For the first several months I thought probably boy, maybe girl. But now I'm convinced girl. DH still thinks boy though.... So we shall see!!!! I am amazed that I have been able to make it this far without finding out the sex. Normally I am such a curious person who likes to prepare as much as possible. But I truly will be happy either way and I feel so strongly that all that matters is bringing the baby home.

Thinking of all of my blog friends and hoping everyone has a good, peaceful mother's day no matter where you are in your journey. I know I've had some rough ones, and will be sending extra happy thoughts to anyone who may need it.


  1. You're getting close to meeting your little one--how exciting!

    Glad to hear you are doing well. :-)

    1. Thanks, lady! :) Hope that you and yours are all doing well.

  2. Congratulations on 33 weeks! I am with you on viability- I started really believing around 30 weeks as well. Sorry about your friend my heart goes out to her.

  3. Wow!! 33 weeks already! Sorry I've been MIA, had some hacking issues w/blogger. I can't wait to meet your LO!! I'm hoping you're right & it's a girl!!

    1. Thanks, Dawn! Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and yours!

  4. It's so fun that you haven't found out the sex yet! What a fun surprise it will be. My pregnancies were all different - cravings, weight, symptoms. If I had to guess on my last one, I might have said he was a girl. You never know! :)

    1. So true! Stay tuned. :) Thanks for the note. Hope you and the fam have a fun summer!!

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