I had my sonohys.tiogram today- and thankful no returned polyps and no fibroids. My uterus is looking good. Whew! I had a whole bunch of blood drawn to go through a wider battery of tests in order to dig further for any possible underlying problems. I should have all of the results back in a couple of weeks. I hope they don't find anything. (Not that our losses or IF being "unexplained" is good either).
We just found out that we will in fact be moving out of State very soon- to a new city, where we really don't know anyone. The job opportunity for DH is great, and the location is good. The process of moving sucks as usual though, and now I will have to start over looking for new doctors. Ugh.
We aren't sure what next steps we will take yet, and the options are all difficult & expensive. Right now we are on hold due to the additional tests and now we are delayed due the move. Being on hold is a bit frustrating. Also recently we visited both of our families, and it would have been the time that we would have announced our pregnancy. This is a challenging time right now...Everything feels a little bitter sweet. Hanging on tight to the sweet parts & praying for the universe to conspire in our direction.
Happy to see more hard-fought pregnancies and rainbow babies out there. Sending good thoughts to all!